Circum-Arctic Art-Show Reykjavík 2015

Circum-Arctic Gallery, a Canadian-Icelandic based company, is hosting the first International Arctic Art Show in Reykjavik from the 15th to19th of October 2015 and aims to promote the work of indigenous artists from across the Arctic Circle, providing a platform to show case their work and reach a wider audience.

The venue,GamlaBio,an outstanding heritage building in the centre of Reykjavik will welcome visitors to the work from over 30 indigenous artists.

Live performances, music, movies creenings, workshops, and sales exhibits will be part of the event, providing yet another glimpse into these cultures. 

The Arctic Circle is home to a number of indigenous communities and diverse cultures that will be highlighted during the show. Artists will have the opportunity to articulate many of the struggles they have faced, including cultural political and environmental issues, as well as offer insights into how remote communities have evolved in the twenty-first century.Our featured speakers will address the effects of global warming and globalization on arctic communities and discuss how they are responding to these forces of change. Artists will also have a rare opportunity for cultural and artistic exchange with one another at this very special event. The show will highlight the achievements of indigenous artists through their work, and provide the opportunity to boost their standing in the modern art landscape and give the wider audience an insight into indigenous practices and lifestyles in the presentday.

Gallery Hours: October15–19th,10–7each day.

Venue:GamlaBio,Ingólfsstræti 2a,101Reykjavík,Iceland

For more information please click here

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