SCBC Group PhotoArctic Portal and the South China Business College at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies have signed a formal cooperation framework agreement, marking a new phase of collaboration in science, business, education, and culture.

The signing ceremony was attended by Halldór Jóhannsson, Executive Director of Arctic Portal; Yang Huigen, Director of the China-Nordic Arctic Research Center; Yang Jian, Deputy Director of the China Nordic-Arctic Research Center; and representatives from the university including Gu Yeli, Chen Linhan, and various department heads.

Chen Linhan welcomed the guests and highlighted the significance of international partnerships like this for the university's global strategy. He emphasized that the agreement, founded on principles of good faith, equality, and mutual benefit, reflects a shared commitment to cooperation and strengthening China-Iceland relations.

Halldór Jóhannsson underscored the importance of international cooperation and outlined Arctic Portal's role in disseminating accurate information. He noted that this partnership would expand collaborative efforts in information sharing, academic exchanges, and talent training, thus enhancing Arctic research and education.

The agreement includes provisions for Arctic Portal to supply the university with data on the politics, economy, education, and culture of Iceland, Northern Europe, and the Arctic region, enriching the university’s resources. In reciprocation, the university will support Arctic Portal's academic and cultural initiatives in China. Additionally, they plan to launch a summer camp in Iceland in July.



SCBC signing Agreement

 Agreement signed SCBC  SCBC Halldor Shaking hands

 SCBC Meeting Room





Source: SCBC   photos: Xie Qiujie


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