Dear Paleoceanography Community and Friends,

It is less than one year to the ICP14… so time for an update from us here in Bergen.

Currently, the scientific committee is finalising an exciting plenary program. The local organising committee is taking care of the all the practical things that come with planning a meeting that can reach the widest possible audience.

Our aim is to hold a physical meeting in Bergen, as we think an ICP cannot work without a vibrant poster session and cherished activities like the paleomusicology concert. And we also really want to showcase Bergen and its special micro-climate to you. We are hopeful that in one year from now, the pandemic will have less effect on international travel and that Norway’s covid-19 regulations will be more relaxed than they are today.

To ensure the participation of researchers with limited travel funds and/or those who cannot travel due to covid-19 restrictions, there will be a online component to the ICP14 meeting. Talks will be streamed and will be made available after the event to registered participants. We also plan to set-up an online interaction with the poster presenters, before, during and after the meeting. We are currently working out the final details of this hybrid meeting setup.

The ICP14 homepage is being populated with key information, as of today: a preliminary program, science themes, confirmed speakers, information on Bergen and surroundings, etc.

In the weeks leading up to 1 December, when registration and abstract submission opens, you will receive more information from us about:

  • schedule details
  • the venues, social events, field trips, etc.
  • online participation
  • and of course, an updated weather prediction for late August 2022 (it is supposed to be marvellous!)

All information will be posted on the ICP14 homepage.

In order to minimize carbon footprints, we encourage the organization of pre- or post-conference workshops and meetings. If you plan such an event please send an email to with the subject “Workshop».

For any other inquiry regarding ICP14, please also contact .

Best regards,

The ICP14 organising committee

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