St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) is a leading international platform for discussion of the key issues on the global economic agenda and for exchanging best practices and key competences in the interest of providing sustainable development.

In 2021, SPIEF became the world's first and largest face-to-face business event after the interruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic and was held using modern digital technologies. The Forum was attended by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, world leaders, heads of large Russian and foreign companies and banks, leading experts from among representatives of science, the media and the business community from 141 countries.

The SPIEF Organizing Committee will make every effort to ensure that the event is held in full compliance with safety measures to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus infection, in accordance with World Health Organization (WHO) and Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing guidelines. Organizers take developing counter-epidemic measures for the Forum venue seriously and accounts for state-of-the-art evaluation methods.

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