Upcoming events

Open Repositories 2022

Open Repositories 2022 is set to be held 6-9 June 2022 in Denver, Colorado. The conference seeks to address and solve the modern issues facing data repositories around the world.

Registration and more information.


International Data Week 2022

Group on Earth Observations (GEO) will begin accepting nominations on 16 May 2022 for their Sustainable Development Goals awards. The purpose of the awards are to recognized individuals who's accomplishments have realized the potential of Earth observations and geospatial information to advance the United Nations 2030 Agenda and enable societal benefits through achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


SciDataCon 2022

World Data System and CODATA are set to host a webinar entitled "Why should I attend SciDataCon." The webinar will cover a variety of topics and will include Meredith Goins, the executive director of WDS, and Simon Hodson, the executive director of CODATA, as its speakers.

More information.

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