Dear Polar Research Community,

April and May have been busy months for us - here are some of our news that may be of interest to you:

We have opened a call for applications for the position of Executive Secretary of the European Polar Board that will be based at Umeå, Sweden. Application deadline: 5 June 2024. More information about the position, role accountabilities and application procedure can be found here:

The Members of the EPB Plenary (representatives and alternative representatives of research institutes, logistics operators, funding agencies, scientific academies and government ministries from across Europe) gathered in Katowice for this year’s EPB Spring Plenary meeting. Many fruitful discussions were conducted and important decisions were made. Find more information here.

In April 2024, EU-PolarNet 2, in collaboration with the European Polar Board and the Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels, launched a white paper featuring 80 actionable policy-level recommendations aimed at enhancing international collaboration in polar observations. Find more information here.

On May 6th, 2024, the Polar Institute, the European Union, and the Global Europe Program livestreamed an event on Arctic cooperation between the European Union and the United States. Invited experts discussed the global importance of Arctic science and research, how science diplomacy supports the safety and stability of Arctic regions, and how the US and EU scientific communities can improve cooperation to build bridges of understanding in a world moving towards strategic competition. Find more information here.

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