In a rapidly changing world, where the effects of climate change are increasingly evident, the importance of climate education cannot be overstated. As frontline advocates for knowledge and change, teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the perspectives and actions of future generations. The Carbon Act project, in collaboration with Scientix®, rises to this challenge with The Carbon Act MOOC: Innovative Teaching for Climate Solutions. This online course aims to equip teachers with the tools and strategies to effectively integrate climate change education into their classrooms and schools.

  • Module 1: Understanding Climate Change delves into the fundamental concepts of climate change, exploring its causes, effects, and potential solutions.
  • Module 2: Classroom Strategies for Teaching Climate Change provides an overview of practical examples and lesson plans for seamlessly integrating climate change across various subjects.
  • Module 3: Whole-School Approaches to Climate Action goes beyond the classroom, offering practical steps and real-world examples for fostering climate initiatives within the entire school community.
  • Module 4: Submit Your Carbon Act Learning Scenario allows participants to put their newfound knowledge into action. Here, they design a Learning Scenario on a chosen climate topic, receiving support from peers throughout the process.

Starting on September 9, 2024, and running for five and a half weeks, the Carbon Act MOOC is open to practising teachers of all subjects and grade levels, as well as student teachers and school staff interested in advancing climate change education. Upon completion, participants will receive a digital course certificate and badge. Join the Carbon Act MOOC today and empower your students to become informed and passionate advocates for our planet's future. Register for free and learn more about the course here.

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