WDS-SC Member Election Update

The World Data System is pleased to announce the appointment of two new members to their Scientific Committee (SC), as their terms began on 1 July 2024. Join us in sending them a warm welcome and best wishes as they start their new roles. The nomination and selection process highlighted our commitment to maintaining high standards within our governing body while promoting diversity, inclusivity, and global representation within WDS.

Thank you for voting and considering the proceedings as an opportunity to make a significant impact on the future direction of global scientific data management and practice. The complete voting process allowed our community to participate in shaping our leadership and ensured that all SC members continue to not only be highly capable and accomplished but also receive approval from both the WDS membership at large and the ISC board.

Please visit our website for more information about our two new esteemed SC members.

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WDS Subcommittee on Standards and Certifications Update

Survey Announcement

On 13 June 2024, the WDS Subcommittee on Standards and Certifications officially launched a research survey to evaluate the utilization of data standards and certifications for scientific data repositories. This survey is an integral step in our mission to understand and advocate for practices that ensure the reliability and trustworthiness of scientific data repositories.

Survey Availability

  • The survey kicked off on 13 June and will remain open to your responses until 31 July 2024.

Our Goals

  • We are not looking to propose yet another standard but rather to identify existing ones being implemented or requested by domestic/international directives or funding institutions.
  • The research project also aims to explore avenues for extended certification processes that could make WDS membership more inclusive by lowering entry barriers.

How to Participate

  • Your experiences and insight are important for the success of this research project.
  • Share your knowledge with us by participating in the survey.

We encourage all stakeholders involved with scientific data repositories to participate before the deadline.

For any inquiries or assistance regarding this initiative, please don't hesitate to contact .

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WDS Office Hours


We want to connect with you and are excited about our upcoming office hour for your region. Have questions about the SC election? Want to recommend possible webinar topics? Connect with us! Office hours allow our members to connect with WDS staff regarding upcoming projects, outreach, and trends in data. The conversation is wide open, and we want to talk to you about how we can help meet your needs and advocate for you.

The office hours will be on 10 July at 13:00 UTC.

There is no need for registration, and you can stop by for just five to ten minutes (or more!) as your schedule allows.

We hope to see you then!

2024 WDS Webinar Series Continues

WDS Federated Search Planning: Unlocking the Power of Federated Search

Join us for a webinar on cutting-edge advancements in research data management through federated search toolings and their myriad applications. In today's rapidly evolving landscape of data-driven research, efficient access to diverse datasets is essential. This webinar will delve into the innovative solutions offered by federated search technologies, revolutionizing how researchers discover, access, and utilize data across various sources. Throughout the session, we will look at multifaceted aspects of federated search applications, shedding light on its pivotal role in modern research ecosystems. Guest speakers will include Chantelle Verhey (WDS-ITO), Dr. Jung-Ho Um (KISTI), and Dr. Nobutada Yokouchi (JSPS).

Whether you’re a researcher, librarian, data scientist, or industry professional, this webinar offers a unique opportunity to stay at the forefront of research data management best practices. Join us as we highlight the potential of federated search to propel innovation, collaboration, and discovery in the realm of data-driven research.

The WDS Webinar will take place on 18 July at 8:00 AM EDT/ 12:00 UTC.

UNESCO-CODATA Data Policy in Times of Crisis Consultative Meeting

UNESCO has partnered with the Committee on Data (CODATA) of the International Science Council (ISC) to explore how the principles of open science as outlined in the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science could guide efficient and effective policies for data sharing in times of crises taking into account existing international policies and action frameworks.

Use the following links to register for the consultative meeting:

In-person attendance registration.

Online attendance registration.

Date and Location: Friday 5 July 2024, Geneva/Online, 8:00-10:00 UTC.

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WorldFAIR Project Updates from our Partners

The two-year run for WorldFAIR is finished. Simon Hodson, WorldFAIR project coordinator, offers unique perspectives and reflects on the time spent with the project. With the future in mind, WorldFAIR+ is a direct continuation of the project coordinated by CODATA.

View the final note here.

Additionally, feedback on the WorldFAIR Policy Brief (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11242702 ) is also being requested. Please offer any feedback on this brief to CODATA directly at .

The Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF) Webinar

The Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF) is a major output from the WorldFAIR project and has been published as an initial draft with the completion of project deliverables. CDIF is a set of implementation recommendations, based on profiles of common, domain-neutral metadata standards that are aligned to work together to support core functions required by FAIR. CDIF will continue to be developed and maintained, based on feedback from implementers and the broader FAIR community.

This webinar will:

  1. present the core CDIF profiles and discuss future directions;
  2. invite feedback and provide details on how this can be done;
  3. discuss plans to expand the CDIF initiative and broaden the participating community.

Date: Thursday, 25 July 2024,13:00-14:30 UTC.

Register for the webinar here.

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Faculty Travel Grants Available to Attend AGU24

Explore the recently announced NSF-funded faculty travel grant program. This award will support up to 50 early-to-mid career faculty from under-resourced U.S. undergraduate-focused institutions, such as Emerging Research Institutions (ERIs), Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), and community colleges (2YCs) to attend in-person the AGU24 annual meeting in Washington, D.C.. In addition to a $1700 travel stipend, the travel grant awardees will participate in professional development workshops, networking and social events, review student presentations through the Outstanding Student Presentation Awards (OSPA), and potentially co-chair sessions. 

The first review of applications will begin on 9 July.

For more information on this faculty travel grant program and how to apply, click here.

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RDA Repo2Pub Working Group Request for Feedback

Interested in seeing what WDS is up to? Check out the proposed RDA Coordinating Earth, Space, and Environmental Science Data Preservation and Scholarly Publication Processes Working Group (also known as Repo2Pub Working Group). The case statement “rationale” is now under review on the RDA site.

How to provide feedback: Members may provide feedback on the Rationale by adding a comment on the linked page above. Comments will be accepted until 12 July 2024.

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DH2024: Reinvention and Responsibility

DH 2024 is the annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media is excited to welcome you online and in person at its Arlington, Virginia campus, in the suburbs of Washington, D.C..

Pre-conference workshops will be held on 5 and 6 August while post-conference social activities will be held on 10 August.

Registration consists of two steps:

  1. Log into the ConfTool for DH2024 and fill out the registration form. Participants who created an account to submit a proposal should use the account. You will be able to edit your free registration add-ons (swag, workshops, tours) even after you submit your registration.
  2. Pay for your registration through GMU’s Mason Marketplace. The link is provided to you within the ConfTool system and in the ConfTool confirmation email.

Registration will close 15 July 2024.

The conference will be held 6-9 August 2024.

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Call for AGU24 Abstracts

AGU is committed to the AGU24 theme of What’s Next for Science, specifically:

  • Making Earth and Space Data and Scientific Advancement more accessible, interoperable, and impactful.
  • Expanding scientific collaborations across disciplines and geographic barriers in the Earth and Space Sciences and beyond.
  • How Earth and Space scientists can be leaders in the preservation, sharing, and attribution of datasets and software ensuring proper credit and driving innovation.

Be part of leading the future! Submit an abstract to AGU24. Abstracts should focus on scientific results, enabling Earth and Space Science or its application, and/or the contribution of Earth and Space Science to society.


Consider submitting an abstract to the following sessions co-convened by WDS ITO’s Renya Jenkyns. Learn more about the two subjects here.

Deadline: 31 July 2024

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Data Analytics in Biomedicine Call for Papers

The workshop represents an opportunity to explore the latest advancements in data analytics and text mining applied to biomedicine. Attendees will gain insights into developing more interpretable models, handling large-scale biomedical datasets, and implementing scalable solutions for real-world healthcare applications.

Moreover, the workshop is highly relevant due to its potential to significantly improve the safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of biomedical interventions through advanced data analytics.


  • Submission of Papers: 5 August 2024
  • Workshop Date: 1 October 2024

Complete submission information here.

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VII Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science, and Publication Ethics Call for Papers

The VII Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science, and Publication Ethics (VII BRISPE) will address the theme with a particular look at the publication system, research and education, and science policy, considering generative artificial intelligence (AI) as a game changer in the way we propose, conduct, communicate, review, and disseminate research. The meeting will then explore Large Language Models (LLM) in these realms and how researchers in different fields and career stages have envisioned the challenges of generative AI regarding their roles as different stakeholders in the research endeavor.

The VII BRISPE will be held on 5-6 December in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Deadline for submission of abstracts in English or Portuguese: 5 August 2024.

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WDS Member Highlights

The World Data System is proud to have these organizations as members in our continued mission to enhance the capabilities, impact, and sustainability of our member data repositories and data services by:

creating trusted communities of scientific data repositories,

strengthening the scientific enterprise throughout the entire lifecycle of data and all related components by creating first-class data that feeds first-class research output, and

advocating for accessible data and transparent and reproducible science.

Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) is a nonprofit organization that provides a neutral space for exciting cross-domain collaborations. They are an open-networked community that brings together science, data, and information technology practitioners. ESIP has been a WDS partner member since April 2016.

More information on ESIP is here.

PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Science is a joint facility of the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM) at the University of Bremen. Essential services provided by PANGAEA are scientific project data management, long-term data archiving, data publication, and dissemination of metadata according to international standards and protocols. PANGAEA has been a WDS regular member since June 2013.

More information on PANGAEA is here.

In Case You Missed It

June Webinars

Joint Statement on Research Data with STM, Crossref, and DataCite - 20 June

“Navigating the Path to Success in Disaster Data Management” by Junshi Xia and Zhang Feng - 24 June

Visit the Webinar Archive to watch the recordings.


The WDS ITO recap of the Canadian Polar Data Workshop V (CPDW5) that took place 27-31 May at Dalhousie University is now up on the ITO website. The workshop aimed at fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among participants.

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