Polar Law Textbook

Polar Law Textbook II
Natalia Loukacheva (ed.), Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers

Publication date
May 27, 2013



Number of pages

Publication number
TemaNord 2013:535

This pioneering educational material deals with various legal and political developments in relation to the Arctic and Antarctica.

This new textbook reflects on changes that have taken place since 2010 in Polar law and focuses on actual questions of: major trends in polar law, geo-politics, security, climate change, marine biodiversity, polar bears agreement, continental shelf, energy, indigenous peoples, search and rescue agreement, devolution in the North, self-determination of small nations (e.g., Faroe Islands), good governance and tourism.

Polar Law Textbook II can be downloaded at NORDEN website or purchased from the NCM.

This publication is endorsed by the Arctic Cooperation Program of the NCM and Polar Law Program, University of Akureyri, Iceland www.polarlaw.is For further info pls. contact: Dr. Natalia Loukacheva, the First Visiting Nansen Professor of Arctic Studies, University of Akureyri, Iceland 

(written by: N. Loukacheva)

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