Snowy skiing trail in the mountains

In their meeting in Brussels on May 12, 2014, the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union adopted conclusions on developing a European Union policy towards the Arctic region.

In the 15-point document the Council suggests that the EU action in the Arctic region should be strengthened by "supporting research and channeling knowledge to address the challenges of environmental and climate changes in the Arctic; acting with responsibility to contribute to ensuring economic development in the Arctic based on sustainable use of resources and environmental expertise; intensifying the EU's constructive engagement with Arctic States, indigenous peoples and other partners to find common solutions to challenges that require an international response".

In the conclusions, the Council also requests the Commission "to consider the options proposed by [the preparatory project] to establish an EU Arctic Information Centre to promote efficient access to Arctic information, to facilitate dialogues and to communicate on Arctic issues".

To read the conclusions in full, please see the Foreign Affairs Council meeting document.

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