Climate and Cryosphere - CliC

The new edition of the the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Newsletter is available for download here. This June issue consists of contributions on the Carbon and Permafrost (CAPER) Initiative, integration across cryospheric disciplines, workshop reports and project updates.

CliC was initiated by the World Climate Research Programme ( WCRP ) in 2000. Its goal is to stimulate, support, and coordinate research that focuses on processes by which the cryosphere interacts with the rest of the climate system.

The contents of the CliC newsletter are

  • Integration across cryosphere disciplines
  • New CliC SSG members
  • Norway/China collaborations
  • Brazil update
  • Water resources and cryosphere in mountains and N. Canada
  • CliC-related IPY activities in Russia
  • Progress in Chinese cryospheric research
  • The carbon permafrost initiative
  • Asia-CliC data workshop
  • Arctic surface-based sea-ice observations
  • IGOS partnership cryosphere theme: where are we now?
  • International NRB symposium and workshop
  • Early career scientists on polar marine research
  • SWIPA update: lake and river ice

The CliC Newsletter - Ice and Climate News

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