Arctic Science Summit Week 2015

The Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 will be held in Toyama (Japan) on April 23-30, 2015 and include the Fourth International Symposium on the Arctic Research (ISAR-4) and the Third International Conference on the Arctic Research Planning (ICARP III), in addition to the business meetings of the participating organizations:

April 23-25, 2015ASSW Business Meetings

April 26, 2015Public Lecture, Excursions

April 27-30, 2015ISAR-4 and ICARP III Symposium

The combined four day ISAR-4 and ICARP III Symposium will be composed of plenary presentations, panel discussions and parallel sessions addressing both the ISAR-4 theme "Rapid change of the Arctic climate system and its global influence" and the ICARP III theme "Integrating Arctic Research: a Roadmap for the Future". It will also present an opportunity to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and to recognize those who have been instrumental in its founding, development and growth.

The venue of the conference will be the Toyama International Conference Center.

For more detailed information, please click here.

(source: ASSW)

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