The Faroese new Government takes office

At its first session since the 1 September election, the Faroese Parliament today appointed Aksel V. Johannesen, chairman of the Social Democratic Party, as the Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands.

Mr Johannesen's Social Democratic Party (Javnaðarflokkur) has formed a coalition with the Republican Party (Tjóðveldi) and the Progressive Party (Framsókn). The new Government consists of 8 ministers, including the Prime Minister, with four men and four women.

The Prime Minister has appointed the following Ministers:

  • Mr Høgni Hoydal (Tjóðveldi), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Fisheries
  • Ms Kristina Háfoss (Tjóðveldi), Minister of Finance
  • Mr Poul Michelsen (Framsókn) Minister of Industry, Trade and Foreign Affairs
  • Mr Henrik Old (Javnaðarflokkur), Minister of the Interior
  • Ms Eyðgunn Samuelsen (Javnaðarflokkur), Minister of Social Affairs
  • Ms Sirið Stenberg (Tjóðveldi), Minister of Health Affairs
  • Ms Rigmor Dam (Javnaðarflokkur), Minister of Education, Research and Culture

In his address to the Parliament, the Prime Minister said:

"Fourteen days ago, the people of the Faroe Islands chose a new course; a course based on a resilient, public-spirited and self-sufficient Faroe Islands. The Progress, Republican and Social Democratic Parties have now set this course."

"Together we aim to ensure that basic values and power are once again with the people. The Faroe Islands are amongst the richest nations in the world, with an enormous wealth of natural resources, a rich culture, creative and skillful people and an enterprising business sector. We have everything we need to create a society with a wealth of opportunity, strong community bonds and equal rights for all."

The Prime Minister in brief

Aksel Vilhelmsson Johannesen was born in Klaksvík on 8 November 1972. He is married to Katrin D. Apol. They have three children and live in Tórshavn.

Aksel Vilhelmsson Johannesen is a lawyer and a solicitor. He was Minister of Health Affairs from June 2009 until February 2011 and Minister of Finance from February to November 2011. He was first elected to Parliament on 29 October 2011.

Aksel Vilhelmsson Johannesen has been chairman of the Social Democratic Party (Javnaðarflokkur), since 2011.

DISCLAIMER: The above press release has been published in its full length and has not been edited by Arctic Portal.


Source: website of "The Government of Faroe Islands"

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