Polar Research Institute of China

In order to promote the polar research of China, with the consent of the State Oceanic Administration, the Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC) is recruiting "Senior Oceanic Talented Personnel" globally.

The recruitment aims at seeking outstanding scientists in following research fields: physical oceanography, Middle-Upper Atmospheric Physics, Astronomical Technology, Snow-ice Process and Ice-core Science. The successful applicants should meet the criteria for "Senior Oceanic Talented Personnel" of Implementation Measures for Introduction of High-level Oceanic Talents of the State Oceanic Administration of the People's Republic of China (Trail), and pass selection of the State Oceanic Administration.

The application deadline should be October 30, 2015.

Senior Oceanic Talented Personnel Introduction Program

I. Objective

In accordance with the Implementation Measures for Introduction of High-level Oceanic Talents stipulated by the State Oceanic Administration, attract a great number of leading talents who have an international influence on polar disciplines and strengthenthe construction of high-level talents teamin the Polar Research Institute of China in order to implement the "Mid-long-term Planning Outline for Development of National Oceanic Talent".

II. Job and number

It requires 2 researchers in the polar shortage and key research fields, and the professional directions include physical oceanography, polar middle-upper atmospheric physics of polar region, polar astronomical technology, snow-ice process and ice core science.

III. Basic requirements

  1. Adhere to scientific moral, rigorous academic style and to be a man of decency;
  2. Have the professional title of associate professor in some well-known foreign institutions or the professional title of researcher in famous domestic research institute; the requirements should be loosened accordingly for someone who has excellent academic achievements.
  3. Have achieved a profound academic attainment in disciplinary fields, and made an international-level research results, published several widely influential papers on important and core journals, or master the key techniques or possess the inventions and patents, etc.
  4. Have the innovative ideas and strategic thinking and have the ability to undertake the major national significant/key projects to foster the young talents, and organize and lead the team to tackle the problems in a coordinated way.
  5. Have a sound physical and mental health to meet the physical and mental requirements for the polar exploration and be able to work full-time for the polar research center, and should be under the age of 45. The age requirements should be broadened for the especially prominent and shortage talents.

IV. Responsibilities

  1. Accurately master the development direction of the polar discipline and put forward strategic, prospective, creative research supposition, and lead the discipline to catch up with or maintain the international advanced level in its frontier field.
  2. Actively strive for and take charge of the major scientific research projects in accordance with major national strategic needs and international science & technology frontier; carry out the researches on major theoretical and practical issues and tackle key problemsin the disciplinary field to achieve the scientific breakthrough or theoretic contribution in technical innovation.

V. Selection process

This talent introduction is organized by the Personnel Department of State Oceanic Administration and is implemented by the Polar Research Institute of China in accordance with the published introduction information, registration, initial qualification examination, physical examination, Administration's approval, unified selection, investigation, notice, approved employment and other procedures. The jobs and numbers and qualifications and other related information will be announced in public through Nature and other domestic and foreign core journals, Science & Technology Daily, Ocean News as well as other presses. The detailed information is shown as follows:

  1. Formation of plan. With the consent of the center, the selection plan should be approved by the State Oceanic Administration;
  2. Announcement. With the consent of the State Oceanic Administration, please refer to the selection announcement published on the related Medias and Magazines by the Senior Oceanic Talented Personnel.
  3. Qualification examination. The Polar Research Institute of China shall conduct the initial qualification examinationsagainst registered personnel based on the qualification requirements for talents introduction to determine the interviewers and complete physical examinations.The selected personnel should be reported to the Personnel Department of the State Oceanic Administration.
  4. Organizing selection. In accordance with the Introduction Requirements for Senior Oceanic Talented Personnel, the Personnel Department of the State Oceanic Administration shall organize the related experts to conduct the unified selection of the eligible candidates as per the rules and procedures.
  5. Investigation. The Polar Research Institute of China shall carry out the investigation on the selected personnel.
  6. Approval. The eligible personnel who passed the investigation shall be identified as the planned employee, with the approval of the State Oceanic Administration.
  7. Notice. With approval of the State Oceanic Administration, the notice shall last for 7 days.
  8. Employment. The employment contract should be signed to clearly define the rights and obligations;the employee should enjoy the title of Senior Oceanic Talented Personnel and treatment.

VI. Candidate's material

  1. Personal resumes (including main achievements, contact information and recent bareheaded photo);
  2. Publications (which indicate the first author and correspondence author), citations and 5 representative articles;
  3. Working assumption, plan, conditions and requirements after the appointment;
  4. Relevant evidentiary documents (certifications of important achievements, domestic and international office service, diplomas, and certificate of award, etc.) ;
  5. Recommendation letters from domestic and foreign peer experts.


For detailed information, please visit the website of PRIC.

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