
Fulbright Arctic Week began on Monday October 24th and will last until Friday October 28th.

Seventeen Fulbright Arctic Initiative researchers and their co-lead scholars are gathering in Washington, D.C. to participate in policy meetings and public engagement events, as well as a symposium at the end of the week.

At the beginning of the week, policymakers from Arctic council countries are discussing shared goals, with chairmanship in Arctic Council soon to be transfered from the USA to Finland in May 2015. The capstone symposium showcasing the results of the Fulbright Arctic Scholars’ research and collaborations over the preceding 18 months will gather many key speakers in this field such as the Executive Director of Arctic Executive Steering Committe Ambassador Mark Brzezinski, Chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Council Okalik Eegeesiak and others.

The Fulbright Arctic Initiative is a interdisciplinary collaborative research initiative aiming to build a strong network of Arctic Studies scholars to engage them in collaborative thinking, analysis and problem solving in the Arctic.

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