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The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) announces calls for submissions for events occurring during their International Polar Week Spring 2017 Week Spring 2017. International Polar Week will take place 20-26 March 2017.

Polar Week is a series of international online events with the goal of promoting the science that takes place in polar latitudes and educating the public about all things polar. Through social media interaction to an online conference, organizers hope to educate the public about the Arctic and Antarctic.

For the upcoming Polar Week, organizers are highlighting humans and their activities and impacts on the poles. Did you know that there are people living in Antarctica year-round? Or that permafrost thaw is causing infrastructure damage and affecting communities worldwide?

Polar Week events include:

  • Polar Science 101: Breaking Down Scientific Concepts for a General Audience, a blog with posts throughout the week;
  • Online conference and panel discussion;
  • Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) featuring APECS members; and
  • PolarPeople on Twitter.

Organizers are accepting submissions for the Polar Art event, which will promote artwork with polar themes, and the Polar People photo contest.

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