Yule Lads at Dimmuborgir, Mývatn

It is that time of the year again. Christmas is approaching and that means the Yule lads are again on the prowl! 

Our last year's coverage of their adventures and habits has received great attention. Thus, we decided that the Arctic Portal should honour them again with media coverage.



Yule Lads walking at Dimmuborgir, Mývatn

The  Icelandic Santa Clauses or Yule lads, in Icelandic Jólasveinar are thirteen Tonight, December 11, the first Jólasveinn (Icelandic Yule lad) „Stekkjastaur“ (Sheep-Cote-Clod) comes down from their mountain home to visit the Icelandic children. He is the first of thirteen brothers who come one by one to visit the Icelandic children each 13 night leading up to Christmas Eve. The children leave a shoe on the windowsill of their rooms expecting to receive a small gift or a piece of candy. Those children who are well behaved are sure to receive something but for those who misbehave a rotten potato or a note with behavioral advice is typically the reward!.


Yule Lads having fun at Dimmuborgir, Mývatn

The Yule lads (Jólasveinar) are the sons of the vicious trolls Grýla and Leppalúði who all live, accompanied by their vicious cat (Jólakötturinn / the Yule cat) in a mountain cave close to lake Mývatn in the North of Iceland. It is usually possible to meet them and their sons in December in Dimmuborgir (Dark Caves at lake Mývatn) the weeks before Christmas. Due to the pandemic they as us humans need to be extra careful but we have still managed to acquire recent images of them we are sure will light up your life as it does ours.

The photograps are taken in Dimmuborgir.

Expect more on the Yule Lads on the Arctic Portal in the days to come!

Learn more about the Icelandic Yule Lads, their parents and the vicious Christmas Cat.

News from last year on the Yule Lads

The Yule lads arrive in this order:

Photos: Agnes Lebeaupin, Marcin Kozazcek

Drawing of the Yulelads: Brian Pilkington

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