Russian Icebreaker - Sodruzhestvo

The Sodruzhestvo mother fishery ship has been stuck in thick ice in Russia's Far East Sea of Okhotsk since 31st of December. The Bereg Nadezhdy ship and the Professor Kizevetter research vessel, got also stuck in two-meter-thick ice in the Sea of Okhotsk on the same day, but have been rescued.

Two other ships, the Mys Yelizavety and the Anton Gurin, became trapped later. The Icebreaker, Admiral Makarov released the Professor Kizevetter and the Mys Yelizavety vessels from the ice trap, while the ship Anton Gurin managed to cope on its own. The Bereg Nadezhdy has also been successfully towed to clear water.

Russian Icebreaker - Admiral Makarov and the Krasin

Russian icebreakers the Krasin and the Admiral Makarov resumed their operation to rescue the ice-trapped mother fishery ship Sodruzhestvo, which was the hardest to tow due to its wide body. The icebreakers have to coordinate their efforts to clear a wide enough canal in the thick ice for the vessel to finally reach open waters. The two icebreakers had encountered problems on the way due to harsh conditions. At one point, the ships only moved 1,8 nautical miles in 24 hours. The icebreakers have reached the Sodruzhestvo and started towing the vessel into safe waters. The Krasin icebreaker is towing the mother ship, while the Admiral Makarov is leading the convoy forcing its way through the ice.

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