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The Arctic Energy Forum 2024 will be held in Akureyri in the exotic Icelandic Arctic North on October 14-16. The Forums agenda keeps getting more and more interesting and current. To save your place, you should register NOW!

The AEF 2024 will review facts and discuss examples of best practices and solutions in energy and Green transitions through consulting and presentations for responsible energy solutions for Sustainable Nordic, Arctic, and Global Development.

Emphasis will be on responsible energy use and utilization, not least renewable and green transition opportunities and solutions in smaller communities.

Main agenda topics include:

Addresses by Key-Note speakers, Panel Discussions, Breakout Sessions, Local Excursion, Get-to-know the locals reception & Conference social evening.


Confirmed keynote speakers include:

The Icelandic minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate, Mr. Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson and United States Ambassador to Iceland Mrs. Carrin F. Patman.

Confirmed sessions include:

  • Energy Resilience of the Buildings in Remote Cold Regions - Alexander Zhivov (US Army ERDC-CERL)
  • The road to green energy transition in the Arctic! - Erin Whitney (DOE AEO)
  • Clean energy progress in Canada’s remote and Indigenous communities - Emily He (Pembina Institute)
  • Energy Transition Models - Magnus De Witt(ACEP)
  • Sharing Solutions to Shared Challenges: Potentials for Icelandic-Alaskan Partnership - Friðrik Þórsson/Aaron Cooke (IACN, NREL)
  • Establishing the World’s First Magma Observatory - Björn Þór Guðmundsson (KMT)

Call for papers is still open. Interested participants are invited to submit a proposal for presentation in a breakout session, fitting the conference theme and any of the session topics. Proposals for breakout sessions are also welcome.

Please submit your abstract for a presentation in any of the breakout sessions or a session before 15 August to  including the name and contact of the presenter and/or a session organizer. Acceptance response will be provided before 30 August.

A pre-conference education and policy tour is offered on Saturday and Sunday, October 12-13 including:

  • In depth visits to energy facilities in the Akureyri area escorted by professionals, including the new domestic Hydro station, in-depth introduction to the Methane capturing process and its utilization on domestic vehicles, recharging facilities, energy driven industry at the data center and more.
  • Learn about the evolution in the utilization of geothermal energy. Visit the oldest geothermal station from 1968 in Bjarnarflag by Mývatn, Krafla the 60 MW station geothermal station opened in 1978 and learn about the potential of Deep Drilling. From Krafla the tour goes to Theistareykir, the latest geothermal station opened in 2017 with a capacity of 200 MW.
  • From Theistareykir to Húsavík to visit the Silicon Metal factory PCC and the small scale hydro factory Köldukvíslarvirkjun.
  • Stops will be made during the tour at scenic stops like Goðafoss, Dimmuborgir, and Hveraröndin and in the Vaðlaheiði tunnel to feel the heat!

Participation in the pre-tour is limited so book your seat now.

For registration, further information, agenda updates, logistics including domestic travel and accommodation, please visit the conference website at:



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