
INCHR Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at Oulu, Finland, on June 14-15, 2011. The program consists of a Sámi Health workshop and INCHR Scientific Sessions with oral and poster presentations, and of an INCHR General Assembly. New members welcome -membership application will be available at the meeting!

The registration fee 75 Euro includes lunch, coffee and congress material. Detailed information about the program, registration, accommodation and abstract submission can be found from the INCHR website and from the congress secretary, Dr Hannele Savela.

The deadline for abstract submission is on April 1st , 2011. The deadline for registration is on May 15th, 2011.

Summer Institute in Circumpolar Health Research (SICHR)

The Summer Institute in Circumpolar Health Research will be held in Oulu, Finland, 13-17 June 2011. It consists of two 1.5 day courses, aimed to PhD level and other graduate students. The registration to the courses is open on-line until May 15th 2011.

Registration fee is 150 Euro for one course and 250 Euro for both courses. The course fees include participation in the INCHR Annual Meeting meeting on 14-15 June. The travel and hotel bookings are an individual responsibility of the participants. The deadline for registration for the courses is on May 15th, 2011.

Course 1: Contaminants and Human Health, June 13-14, 2011

The course gives the students knowledge about current contaminants, their sources and health effects on human and surrounding environment in the Arctic regions and populations. Further on, the students will have the awareness of different assessment methods related to health effects of contaminants, and how the health effects are evaluated and validated on a population level.

Course 2: Risk Communication, June 16-17, 2011

University of Oulu

The course gives the students an overview on different aspects related to risk communication: concepts, definitions and ethics of risk communication, risk communication models, process of risk communication, case study examples, risk assessment and management in relation to risk communication, risk management and community decision making , conflict resolution by risk communication, conflicting risks and messages and difficulty of communicating scientific information.

Travel grants: Nordic PhD level students are entitled to apply for a course travel grant, including registration, travel and accommodation costs. The grant also covers free participation to INCHR Annual Meeting. If you are interested in applying a travel grant, please contact Dr Kirsi Latola, Thule-institute, University of Oulu, by May 15th, 2011.

The events are organized by the INCHR and the Centre for Arctic Medicine at Thule Institute, University of Oulu. The courses are arranged in collaboration by the fore mentioned institutions and the Finnish Graduate School of Toxicology . The student travel grants and the financial support for the courses are provided by NordForsk Top-level Research Initiative "Effect studies and adaptation to climate change", organized by the Nordic Network "People and Ecosystems in a changing world ".

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