Össur Skarphéðinsson, Mr. Jonas Gahr Störe and Mr. Stefán B. Sigurðsson, rector of the University of Akureyri

Ministers of foreign affairs from Norway, Mr. Jonas Gahr Støre, and of Iceland Mr. Össur Skarphéðinsson, signed a memorandum yesterday about increased cooperation in Arctic issues between the two states.

The ministers stressed the importance of cooperation between the two states, which have a rich history already. 

The memorandum was signed yesterday afternoon in Hof cultural house in Akureyri. The University of Akureyri hosted the event along with the ministry of foreign affairs in Iceland.

The memorandum includes a new professor position at the University of Akureyri, entitled the Nansen  position, named after famous explorer Fridtjof Nansen.

Norway will finance the position which is yet to be advertised.

The memorandum also includes more student exchange between UNAK and the University of Svalbard.

Mr. Støre stressed that Norway hoped for a closer cooperation with Iceland, and this was a good step towards that.

"We are both Arctic states by the Atlantic Ocean and are responsible for a correct development in the Arctic. The history of the countries is closely tied together and this encourages us to step together into the future together," Mr. Støre said.

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