Össur Skarphéðinsson

France has agreed to cooperation with Iceland regarding the Arctic. The foreign ministers of the two countries met this week to finalize the agreement.

Mr. Össur Skarphéðinsson of Iceland and Mr. Alain Juppé of France met and discussed several matters.

"We agreed to a cooperation regarding the Arctic. This is in line with our policy of engaging cooperation related to relative projects with as many nations as possible," Össur said to Fréttablaðið.

France will invite Icelandic researchers to their stations, both in Ny Alesund in Svalbard and to Antarctica. Iceland will invite French specialist to Akureyri for research there.

Close cooperation between the University of Akureyri and the established University Pierre and Marie Curie will be engaged.

Iceland will also participate in a big project related to economic and social impacts of climate change in the Arctic.



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