The International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) invites contributions for the next issue of the Northern Notes newsletter.

Contributions are invited from both members and non-members of the Association on issues of interest to Arctic social scientists. Articles, reports, announcements, reviews (books, films, etc.), and conference or meeting announcements should be submitted by 2 February 2009 to IASSA secretary, Lára Ólafsdóttir, at .

Northern Notes is published on the web by the IASSA secretariat twice a year with a Spring/Summer and a Fall/Winter issue, and is available to all web users. To view past issues of the newsletter, please go to: http://www.iassa.gl/newsletters.htm.

Contributions to Northern Notes may include special features on issues and topics of interest to Arctic social scientists, information and announcements from members, announcements of meetings, workshops or conferences, news about upcoming IASSA activities, information about new publications of interest to the Arctic social science community, and announcements of new websites and links of interest.

IASSA invites contributions by 2 February 2009 for the following standard categories of the newsletter:


Contributions on issues and research activities of interest to the Arctic social science community, including new research, current and upcoming research activities and events, etc.


News from Members
New books, Journals, Dissertations & Film
Conferences, Workshops, and Meetings
On the Web
Funding Opportunities

Remember to send us the following details along with your article or announcement:

Name and affiliation of the author
Book announcements: All titles, publishing details, distributor and ISBN/ISSN number
Film: Distributor or link, all release details

The IASSA secretariat moved to Akureyri, Iceland, on 1 October 2008, and is located at the Stefansson Arctic Institute.


Stefansson Arctic Institute
Borgir, Nordurslod
IS-600 Akureyri, Iceland
Tel: (+354) 460 8980
Fax: (+354) 460 8989

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