Eurofleets 2

EUROFLEETS2 which is a EU funded project providing scientists with 200 fully funded days of ship-time and 104 fully funded days of marine equipment to carry out ship-based research activities within any field of marine sciences.

The project has now opened for proposals under three different categories: Polar and Sub polar Call - which is a ship time application to carry out research in the polar and sub Polar Regions. Deadline for applications is 24th of May 2013.

Super – Integration Call – seeks to identify a truly cross cutting proposal, able to prove its scientific excellence, i.e. mobilizing private and public funding structures on top of EUROFLEETS funding.

Visit and submit an "Expression of Interest" until the 15th of May 2013. The "Expression of Interest" is not binding but desirable. Logistically accepted pre-proposals will be invited to submit a full proposal from the 14 th of June till the 16th of September 2013.

Embarked Equipment Call 2013: Equipment time is offered within participating scientific marine equipment (2x 3D HD TV Cameras, 2x ROV and MARUM-MeBo) to be deployed from RVs or from underwater vehicles funded by other sources than EUROFLEETS2. The call will open in June 2013.

For more information, please visit the Project's Website.



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