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Arctic Portal News Portlet

7 April 2015

Overview of an arctic fjord

The European Geoscience Association (EGU) General Assembly 2015 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

1 April 2015

Off-shore drilling platform

On Tuesday 31 March 2015, a press release from the US Department of the Interior informed that the 2008 lease sale in the Chuckhi Sea (Alaska) was upheld, a first step for allowing the re-opening of 30 million acres of US continental shelf for oil exploration by Royal Dutch Shell.

31 March 2015

Arctic Science Summit Week 2015

The Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 will be held in Toyama (Japan) on April 23-30, 2015 and include the Fourth International Symposium on the Arctic Research (ISAR-4) and the Third International Conference on the Arctic Research Planning (ICARP III), in addition to the business meetings of the participating organizations:

24 March 2015

Dmitry Rogozin

The new body will help resolve social and economic tasks to develop the Russian Federation’s Arctic zone and ensure national security.

23 March 2015

University of Tartu

"Arctic workshop of the University of Tartu: Work in the Arctic" that will take place on 29 and 30 May, 2015 at the Department of Ethnology, University of Tartu, Estonia.

20 March 2015

Mountain in the midnight sun

West Nordic Studies: Governance and Sustainable Management is a multidisciplinary Master's Programme (120 ECTS) in West Nordic Studies offered jointly by the partner universities.

18 March 2015

University of Akureyri

The University of Akureyri offers the following studies in Polar Law: a 120 ECTS programme leading to an MA degree; a 90 ECTS programme leading to a LLM degree; a 60 ECTS study at master level leading to a Graduate diploma; and individual courses in Polar law leading to a certificate. All courses in Polar Law are taught in English.

16 March 2015

6th Arctic Shipping Summit

The 6th Arctic Shipping Summit will be held in Montreal, Canada, next 18-20 March 2015. It focuses on technological, operational, and logistical and challenges encountered by ship owners in harsh Arctic conditions. It will address key developments in transport and regulation in the Arctic as well as; commercial, communication and safety issues. Particular emphasis will be put on evaluating potential opportunities in the region.

13 March 2015

The conference will be held in Reykjavik, October 14-16 2015

The conference is part of the project: Marine Resource Governance in the Arctic, financially supported by Nordic Council of Ministers' Arctic Co-operation Programme, the Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Carlsberg Foundation.

11 March 2015

Arctic Summit 2015

After the first edition in Oslo (2013), "A new vista for trade, energy and the environment", and second in London (2014), "New horizons for trade and economic development", also this year The Economist has organized a one-day-event on Arctic issues. The 2015 edition will be held again in Oslo and the discussion will focus on "Still icy: Has investing in the Arctic been oversold?".

11 March 2015

Aarhus Matchpoint Conference

"Aarhus Matchpoint conference, Security and Governance in the Global Arctic: Nordic and International Perspectives", will be held in Aarhus next 12-13 November 2015.

10 March 2015

The European Union and the Arctic Conference

The School of Law, University of Dundee, UK and the K. G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea, University of Tromsø, Norway are pleased to announce the registration open for "The European Union and the Arctic" (2015 EU-Arctic Conference).

9 March 2015

Observer Status to the Arctic Council: Switzerland’s Candidature

Switzerland is applying for observer status to the Arctic Council. As reported in the material submitted by the Swiss Confederation, "this candidature is part of Switzerland's long-lasting commitment to peaceful international cooperation and to research excellence".

3 March 2015

Arctic Council

The Arctic Council's Senior Arctic Officials (SAOs) are meeting in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada(2-5 March 2015). The attendants to the last meeting prior to the Iqualuit' Ministerial(when the chairmanship of the Arctic Council will be handed over to U.S.) are reviewing progress on the work of the Arctic Council under the Canadian Chairmanship and assessing the deliverables to be presented at the Ministerial meeting.

2 March 2015

Mikhail Pogodaev, Executive Director of Northern Forum

Mikhail Pogodaev, the Executive Chair of the Association of World Reindeer Herders has been nominated to be Executive Director of the Northern Forum.

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