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Arctic Portal News Portlet

7 February 2014

Penguin in the Antarctic

InBev-Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship - 2014 Call for Proposals

The InBev-Baillet Latour Fund and the International Polar Foundation (IPF) would like to announce the opening of the 2014 Call for Proposals for the InBev-Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship.

5 February 2014

Icelandic grantees 2013 with Icelands Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs, US Embassador and Fulbright Commissions ED.

The Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Fulbright Commission have signed an agreement to set up a Fulbright scholar grant in Arctic Studies. Through this agreement the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will fund US scholars to teach and conduct research in Arctic issues at Icelandic universities over the next three years.

31 January 2014

Arctic landscape

Northern (Arctic) Federal University and Presidential Library named after Boris Yeltsin organize an international webinar "The Day of the Arctic in the Presidential Library" on February, 28, 2014 from 11.00 to 12.30 (Moscow time).

30 January 2014

New rule for shipping to be released soon

New shipping rules are soon to be agreed for the Arctic, where summer sea ice has shrunk by about two-thirds over three decades, opening a new ocean with vast natural resources.

29 January 2014


Norway and Canada have appealed a WTO ruling that supported an EU ban on the import and sale of seal products.

28 January 2014

A pipeline in the Arctic

Norway’s biggest energy company Statoil is considering quitting west Greenland in an effort to cut costs. The exploration licences are something the company is thinking about giving up as they are extremely expensive. Head of exploration

27 January 2014

Mild weather and rain melted much of the snow in south-central Alaska

A ridge of high pressure over western North America is allowing warm air from the subtropics to flow all the way up to Alaska, bringing with it unprecedented heat to places like Fairbanks, which has seen temperatures as high as 6°C. Normally, the daytime high is around -17°C.

23 January 2014

Start up Energy, open day

Iceland Geothermal Cluster which is a national network of organizations within the geothermal energy sector in Iceland will be facilitating the promising energy investment program, Startup Energy Reykjavik alongside Klak Innovit.

22 January 2014

Mingling at the FRAM Center, Arctic Frontiers 2013

Today, 22nd of January 2014 Arctic Frontiers conference opens its science session. This year´s theme: "Humans in the Arctic" will highlight current environmental and economic threats to peoples living in the High North.

21 January 2014

Arctic Frontiers

The Arctic Frontiers that have been taking place since Sunday, 19th of January.

The first 2 days of the conference has sold out and it is now not possible to register for the Policy Section of the conference.

20 January 2014

melting ice in the arctic

Yesterday, 19th of January 2013, Arctic Frontiers started in Tromsø, northern Norway.

17 January 2014

Advances in Polar Science

Advances in Polar Science together with the Arctic Portal invites you to submit manuscripts to a special issue on "The rapid change of Arctic sea ice and its possible effects on high- and mid-latitude weather and climate" of the Journal Advances in Polar Science (APS).

16 January 2014

Iceland´s Ministry for Foreign Affairs Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson

Today, 16th of January 2014, the Iceland´s Minister of Foreign Affairs paid visit to the Arctic Portal office, located in Akureyri, northern Iceland.

15 January 2014

Dr. Loukacheva giving the speech at the University of Akureyri

Today, 15th of January at the University of Akureyri, dr. Natalia Loukacheva gave her last speech as a Nansen professor.

14 January 2014

Dr. Loukacheva at the Trans - Arctic Agenda conference.

Tomorrow, 15th of January at the University of Akureyri, conference hall, dr. Natalia Loukacheva will give a public lecture titled: "Developing Arctic – from Nansen to modern times". The lecture will take place in room M101 12.00 – 13.00 h and it is open for public.

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