The conference will officially start on next tuesday or the 8. June and go on for five days. The conference themes are six
- Linkages between Polar Regions and global systems.
- Past, present and future changes in Polar Regions.
- Polar ecosystems and biodiversity.
- Human dimensions of change: Health, society and resources.
- New frontiers, data practices and directions in polar research.
- Polar science education, outreach and communication.
Additionally there will be a impressive lineup of events for polar enthusists:
- APECS, Assosiation of Polar Early Carrier Scientists will hold a number of interesting events
- A number of excursions will be offered to conference participants
- The PlarEXPO will offer a number of interesting displays
- Plenary Speakers
- PolarEXCHANGE with Sue Nelson
- And other related events
Plenary Speakers # PolarEXCHANGE with Sue Nelson # PolarCINEMA # PolarFESTIVAL # PolarTEACHERS