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Arctic Portal News Portlet

28 December 2012

Chinese icebreaker Xuelong.

Canada is set to look into a mining project to be funded by China. Four federal ministers will come together to decide how to conduct an environmental review for the Izok Corridor proposal.

27 December 2012

Sea bed camera

An underwater monitor station has been installed on the Canadian Arctic sea floor, near Cambridge Bay in Nunavut. It allows for live views of the sea bed. Installation was in the hands of Ocean Networks Canada, based at the University of Victoria.

21 December 2012

The Mt. Everest

David Breashears has released a stunning picture of Mount Everest to show effect of climate change on the world's highest peak. It is over 3,8 million pixels and stitched together from 477 photographs.

20 December 2012

Russian icebreaker

Russia is building a new icebreaker in Finland, to be ready in 2015. The vessel is planned to be used in year-round operation in the Baltic Sea and in summer season in the Arctic seas. The vessel is able to operate in temperatures as cold as -40°С and the maximum icebreaking capability is 1.5 m.

18 December 2012

Arctic Oil Pipeline

Companies are queuing up to get a part of a potential oil boom in the waters off East Greenland.

17 December 2012

Leona Aglukkaq and Carl Bildt at the press conference

Canada will take over chairmanship in the Arctic Council in May 2013 from Sweden. The two countries have close cooperation for a smooth process when Canada takes its second chair of the council.

14 December 2012

President Grímsson has been instrumental in Iceland's Arctic development

The president of Iceland has announced that the country plans to set up a national wealth fund to safeguard revenue from potential oil discoveries as it opens up to exploration.

13 December 2012

The Church of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

St. Petersburg in Russia celebrates Arctic Days in December where the highlight is the conference "Electronic Memory of the Arctic – cultural communications of the circumpolar world".

13 December 2012

arctic landscape

The Arctic Report Cards produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are a source of reliable and brief information on the current state of the Arctic environment. The Arctic Council working groups CAFF and AMAP supported work on the 2012 Report Cards, which detail dramatic changes in the Arctic with record losses of sea ice and late spring snow.

11 December 2012

Longyearbyen, Svalbard

The Norwegian government is looking into the possibility of using Svalbard for oil and gas infrastructure. The unique nature of Svalbard has until now been thought to fragile for any kind of petroleum work.

10 December 2012

Melting glacier in Greenland

At the UN Climate Change Conference in Doha, Qatar (COP18/CMP8), governments have taken the next essential step in the global response to climate change.

6 December 2012


Today, 6th of December 2012, the AMATII workshop (Arctic Transportation Infrastructure Response and Capacity and Sustainable Development in the Arctic) that for the past week has been taking place in the capital city of Iceland, comes to an end.

5 December 2012

Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation

The third day of AMATII workshop takes place today in capital city of Iceland, Reykjavik. After small – group meetings that have been going on since Monday afternoon, specialists were able to define the lacking infrastructure among the Arctic states.

4 December 2012

The Arctic sea ice

The first International Conference on Public Policy will be held in France in the summer of 2013. It is calling for abstracts for this interesting conference entitled Perspectives on public policies in the Arctic region.

4 December 2012

Interactive Data Map

Today, the 4th of December, Arctic Transportation Infrastructure Response and Capacity and Sustainable Development in the Arctic workshop brings together aviation and maritime specialists from eight Arctic states in order to discuss gaps in infrastructure around the remote Arctic.

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