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Arctic Portal News Portlet

9 August 2012

The turbina dwarfs the Airbus A380.

The world's largest wind turbine will soon be but to the test. Siemens is the manufacturer of the mega turbine, which has three 75 meter long rotor blades. Siemens will be manufacturing the 300 monster turbines, which have a 154-metre wingspan and a capacity of 6 megawatts.

8 August 2012

Arctic shipping

A new port in the Yamal Peninsula will be on of the biggest Arctic ports when ready. Russia is building the Sabetta port and are hopeful it will boost Arctic shipping, especially in the Northern Sea Route.

7 August 2012

frozen arctic landscape

The Barents International Political Economy (BIPE) researcher network has received funding to start a two-year joint research project in the Barents region. The aim of the new project is to study the role of states in advancing sustainable development focusing on local communities perspectives in different parts of the Barents region.

2 August 2012

Kolskoya Oil rig

Yesterday the High Court of Murmansk declared the 24 missing Kolskaya workers, dead.

31 July 2012

Arctic Boundaries map

Today, 31st of July 2012, Denmark dispatches the official expedition from Svalbard off northern Norway, in order to gather seismic and depth data to substantiate a future possible claim on the North Pole.

17 July 2012

Nobel Discoverer, Shell's drilling vessel

On Saturday evening, 14th of July, the Shell´s drilling vessel, Noble Discoverer dragged anchor in a stiff breeze and the stern of the ship bumped into the beach in front of Dutch Harbor´s Grand Aleutian Hotel. It was stuck for an hour until pulled free by the American tugboat.

4 July 2012

The estimated route of the Snow Dragon

China´s fifth Arctic expedition is en route to the Arctic. The Snow Dragon, Xuelong, left Qingdao in China on the 2nd of July.

3 July 2012

The arctic

The European Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy have today outlined the way forward for the EU's constructive engagement in the Arctic.

3 July 2012

Whale watching

A proposal to declare a whale sanctuary in the South Atlantic Ocean has been declined at the International Whaling Commission (IWC) annual meeting.

2 July 2012

Whale tail

Greenland seeks more quotas for whale hunting in the next five-yearly quotas. An agreement with the International Whaling Commission (IWC) will be discussed soon.

29 June 2012

Oil working station

Norway is taking deep sea drilling a step further. The country is ready to take its drills as close to the North Pole as it possibly can, near the 84th latitude.

27 June 2012

researchers at the railway station in Kuopio in Finland

The PAGE21 permafrost project has set up an interesting feature on its website. It is a live blog from research fields in the Arctic.

25 June 2012

Kid outside during winter

Computer giant Google has launched a project to preserve over 3000 dying languages. The Endangered Languages Project is backed by a coalition of international scholars and linguists.

22 June 2012

Oil drilling in the Arctic

Environmental activists Greenpeace have launched a campaign aimed to "save the Arctic. "Greenpeace is campaigning for the United Nations to declare the Arctic ocean a sanctuary, much like the Antarctic.

20 June 2012


Debates on a new agreement in the Rio+20 conference continue. Negotiators have agreed a text to be approved this week "to put society on a more sustainable path".

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