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Arctic Portal News Portlet

4 April 2011

Sea Ice

Thirty scientists, managers and community experts from Russia, Canada, Greenland/ Denmark and the United States, including the Arctic Athabascan Council, Inuit Circumpolar Council, Gwich´in Council International, World Wildlife Fund Arctic and the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists met in Vancouver, Canada on March 22th to 23rd, 2011 to develop a technical report on the effects of sea-ice reduction on biodiversity in the Arctic and accompanying conservation & scientific recommendations. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) Working Group of the Arctic Council organised and managed the workshop.

4 April 2011

World Wildlife Fund

The newest edition of the Circle is now out. It is a magazine produced by the WWF Global Arctic Programme, published four times a year. Each issue focuses on one specific Arctic-related subject, the  topic in the newest edition being ocean acidification.

1 April 2011

University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki has introduced a TENURE TRACK for teaching and research personnel, intended to increase the predictability, competitiveness and attractiveness of academic careers while promoting internationalisation at the University.

30 March 2011

International Polar Year 2007 - 2008 Summary

The International Polar Year (IPY) 2007–2008, co-sponsored by ICSU and WMO, was the largest coordinated research program in the Earth's polar regions, involving over 50,000 researchers, local observers, educators, students, and support personnel from more than 60 nations in 228 international IPY projects.

29 March 2011

Prince Harry

Britain's Prince Harry will join a team of wounded military servicemen at the start of their expedition to trek unaided to the Geographic North Pole.

28 March 2011


International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic INTERACT has a main objective of building capacity for identifying, understanding, predicting and responding to diverse environmental changes throughout the wide environmental and land-use envelopes of the Arctic.

24 March 2011


INCHR Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at Oulu, Finland, on June 14-15, 2011. The program consists of a Sámi Health workshop and INCHR Scientific Sessions with oral and poster presentations, and of an INCHR General Assembly. New members welcome -membership application will be available at the meeting!

14 March 2011

Dissolving Sea Ice, South of Svalbard

Issued annually, the Arctic Report Card is a timely source for clear, reliable and concise environmental information on the state of the Arctic, relative to historical time series records.

10 March 2011

Northeast Atlantic Mackerel fishing grounds

"Counting fish is somewhat just like counting trees, except you can't see the fish and it moves" This joke explains the nature of fish and its ability to move. Living resources like fish and other marine animals change their distribution patterns in relation to their habitual conditions, regardless of Exclusive Economic Zones and other jurisdictional waters.

10 March 2011

arctic fishing market

Northward shift of species might also have great economical opportunities for those countries and areas that are dependable on fisheries.

10 March 2011

fishing hole in the ice

Climate change poses both threats and opportunities for Arctic fisheries. Those concerns include indicators of a major ecosystem northward shift, meaning that species will shift northwards in order to find ideal habitat conditions.

9 March 2011

Polar Bear

Specialists Meet to Develop an International Monitoring Plan for Polar Bears

Twenty-two scientists, managers and community experts from Russia, Norway, Canada, Greenland and the United States met in Edmonton, Canada

28 February 2011

offshore oil platform

Unrest in the Middle East means the potential oil riches in Arctic areas like Greenland are more important than ever, the island's premier said on Wednesday, criticizing environmental groups that want to hamper exploration.

25 February 2011

grey wolf

For the first time in years, a Finnish-Russian wolf is about to migrate into Swedish wolf territories. That could positively contribute to Swedish and Norwegian wolf genes, researchers say.

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