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Arctic Portal News Portlet

10 March 2011

arctic fishing market

Northward shift of species might also have great economical opportunities for those countries and areas that are dependable on fisheries.

10 March 2011

fishing hole in the ice

Climate change poses both threats and opportunities for Arctic fisheries. Those concerns include indicators of a major ecosystem northward shift, meaning that species will shift northwards in order to find ideal habitat conditions.

9 March 2011

Polar Bear

Specialists Meet to Develop an International Monitoring Plan for Polar Bears

Twenty-two scientists, managers and community experts from Russia, Norway, Canada, Greenland and the United States met in Edmonton, Canada

28 February 2011

offshore oil platform

Unrest in the Middle East means the potential oil riches in Arctic areas like Greenland are more important than ever, the island's premier said on Wednesday, criticizing environmental groups that want to hamper exploration.

25 February 2011

grey wolf

For the first time in years, a Finnish-Russian wolf is about to migrate into Swedish wolf territories. That could positively contribute to Swedish and Norwegian wolf genes, researchers say.

24 February 2011

Arctic Centre

Research professor of the Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law (Arctic Centre/University of Lapland) Timo Koivurova cautions' those who think that the ILO-Convention No. 169 will never be ratified in Finland.

21 February 2011


Politicians from the Nordic and Baltic region as well as the Arctic and Barents area meet with representatives from the Russian Duma and the European Parliament for the second Northern Dimension Parliamentary Forum on February 22-23.

18 February 2011

Polar bear has his teeth removed

It took dentists four hours to fix the toothache of Mr. Walker the polar bear at the Highland Wildlife Park in Kingussie, Scotland. Walker the polar bear had to undergo a dental treatment for a troublesome tooth.

17 February 2011

Memorandum of Understanding signed between CAFF and APECS

The Arctic Council recognizes in the Tromso declaration that education, outreach, scientific research and capacity building are major tools via which to address challenges in the Arctic.

15 February 2011

Saami children

Despite repeatedly critics from UN and EU, Finland has no intention to ratify ILO-Convention No. 169. Convention No.169 is a legally binding international instrument open to ratification, which deals specifically with the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples.

11 February 2011

Dmitri Medvedev

For decades there was a boundary dispute between Norway and Russia, where Norway favored the Median Line and Russia favored a meridian based sector.

11 February 2011

fishing boats in Norway

Here is extensive data about Arctic Shipping. Below is a list of documents of high importance and easy access to the Arctic Portal Data Library gives an even broader dimension to search for shipping data.

10 February 2011

small fishing boat

As reported by the Arctic Portal, real time catches in the Canadian, Alaskan and Russian Arctic waters are considerably higher than reported to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

10 February 2011

Marine Boundaries

Governance of Arctic shipping occurs through a mix of domestic and international legal instruments and “soft law” regional agreements. There is no comprehensive international legal regime for the Arctic and no multilateral political organisation with the power to regulate activities or make legally binding decisions.

9 February 2011

Oil spill

The Arctic contains some of the last physically undisturbed areas on the planet, something that is becoming very rare in modern times. In recent decades, and especially during this millennium, the Arctic has also been undergoing extraordinary environmental changes. The Arctic is known as a storehouse of massive supplies of natural resources, which is increasing pressure on their extraction due to high commodity prices and a growing worldwide demand for them.

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