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Arctic Portal News Portlet

26 August 2011

Snohvit gas fields

The only gas field in the Barents Sea could soon be connected to the mainland. Snøhvit gas field is so promising; Norway could extend its current pipeline system to get the gas on shore, but only if other areas for gas production can be found.

25 August 2011

Ocean currents around Iceland

A hidden ocean current, discovered far below the sea's surface near Iceland, could be a major player in the ocean's response to climate change. Deep water currents have its say in the matter and this new player could play its role.

24 August 2011


The call for INTERACT Transnational Access has been extended until 7th of September. The exciting venue offers the opportunity to visit research sites and gain access to information and equipment on site.

24 August 2011

Researchers standing with the Danish flag

Denmark has released its Arctic Strategy up to the year 2020. Denmark reins both in Greenland and the Faroe Islands and their interest are numerous in the Arctic.

23 August 2011

Arctic Council

The Arctic Council has released a new report on its webpage. The report is from The Task Force on Short-Lived Climate Forcers.

22 August 2011

Nuclear Submarine in the Arctic

Nuclear waste is common in the Arctic. After eight years of waiting, Russia can finally embrace its new nuclear waste transporter, Rossita. Built in Italy, it can now start to collect waste from numerous locations in Russian waters.

19 August 2011

Thor Iceland Coast Guard

The Icelandic coastguard is strengthening its fleet with a new vessel. Named Thor (Þór) after the God of Thunder will be the most complete patrol ship of its kind in the North-Atlantic.

18 August 2011

STI Heritage tanker

It took only eight days for the STI Heritage tanker to go from Murmansk in Russia and through the Arctic Ocean via the Northeast Passage.

17 August 2011

Inuit in Rax film

One of Icelands best photographers has travelled in the Arctic half his life. For around 25 years Ragnar Axelsson, Rax, has shot hunters and the people in the Arctic with his cameras.

16 August 2011

Sea Ice Extent in July 2011

Sea ice in the Arctic is at an all time low. Data from July confirm this. The level is the lowest since satellite records have been used for measures. Sea ice coverage also remained below normal everywhere except the East Greenland Sea.

15 August 2011

Map of Northwest Passage and Northern Searoute

Although the ice in the Arctic is slowly diminishing, regular sea transport has not begun in the area. Russians have perhaps the most interest in Arctic shipping due to the enormous resources near the Arctic Ocean, in their own backyard.

12 August 2011

Deep seas drawing report

Human actions have had adverse affects on the Arctic, even its deep sea ocean bed. A new report warns that better care needs to be taken of this vastly unknown area.

11 August 2011

Icebreaker sailing through arctic sea ice

The extent of the Arctic sea ice is extremely variable. Danish researches have come to this conclusion.

10 August 2011

Row to the Pole boat

Arctic adventurist Jock Wishart is trying to make history by rowing to the magnetic North Pole. A crew of six started their journey in the beginning of August and anticipates rowing around 450 miles in a race against time - their route will freeze in September.

9 August 2011

Map of North Sea

High quality oil reserve has been found in the North Sea. Statoil and its partners are responsible for the found, described as a “reservoir of excellent quality.”

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