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Arctic Portal News Portlet

22 May 2018

Advances in Polar Science cover

We would like to invite you to submit manuscripts to the thematic issue of the journal Advances in Polar Science (APS) on “AFoPS 2017” (Asian Forum for Polar Sciences 2017). The polar researchers from Asian nations, and the no-Asian polar scientists participating in Arctic or Antarctic cruises organized by Asian nations, or cooperating with the Asian scientists are welcome to contribute to this thematic issue

14 May 2018

Arctic Portal news

In the new article for the Polar Prediction Matters feedback platform, the authors Rick Thoman and Machiel Lamers report on the different perspectives presented by Europeans from different shipping sectors operating in Arctic waters.

8 May 2018

Advances in Polar Science front cover

We have extended the deadline of the submission to special issue ‘Polar Climate Change: Driving Processes, Extreme Events, and Global Linkages’. The new deadline is on 31 May 2018.

4 May 2018


An international jury has now announced the six winners of the second Arctic Competition organized by EDU-ARCTIC (

3 May 2018

Arctic Portal news

The Executive Director position of the World Data System of the International Council for Science is open for applications until 15 June 2018.

27 April 2018

Arctic Portal news

by M. Mohammadi-Aragh, H. F. Goessling, M. Losch, N. Hutter & T. Jung was published by Nature on April 25.2018

24 April 2018

Xue Long

Preparation work for the construction of China's fifth Antarctic station has been completed, scientists on the icebreaker Xuelong (Snow Dragon) said on Saturday, after the country's 34th national scientific expedition to Earth's southern polar region.

16 April 2018

Arctic Portal news

In a paper now published in Geophysical Research Letters, British climate scientists Jonny Day and Kevin Hodges find that Arctic warming will increase both the number and intensity of storms in Arctic summer.

9 April 2018

The Northern Forum logo

On 11-12 April 2018, XIII General Assembly of the Northern Forum will convene in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. It is an international organization that brings together Arctic and Northern regions to improve the quality of life of all people living in the North and enhancing the principles of Northern territories sustainable development.

4 April 2018

EU Polarnet

The European Polar Board (EPB) and EU-PolarNet are pleased to announce the launch of the European Polar Infrastructure Database.

3 April 2018

EGU logo

The EGU newsletter for the month of March 2018 is out now and it can be accessed on the EGU website

28 March 2018

Advances in Polar Science front cover

This is a reminder that the deadline for submission of ‘Polar Climate Change’ Special Issue is 30 April.

27 March 2018

Arctic Portal news

On 23-25 May 2018 the 6th China-Nordic Arctic Cooperation Symposium, hosted by Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI), Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI),University of Tromsø -The Arctic University of Norway in collaboration with Polar Research Institute of China, will take place in Tromsø, Norway, with the conference theme of “Integrated Ocean Management in the Arctic”.

21 March 2018

Ice covered mountains

Weather data collected by radiosondes launched in the Arctic in February and March 2018 as part of the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) are feeding into ECMWF forecasts.

16 March 2018

north by north

The “North by North Festival” captures the spirit of Alaska and the Arctic – to address our challenges and opportunities with northern innovation and resilience, to build on a rich history and to ensure a prosperous future.

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