News & Press Releases

Arctic Portal News Portlet

4 September 2018

Yamal Oil and Gas

The 6th Annual international investment forum and exhibition “YAMAL OIL & GAS” is a one-of-a-kind pro-grade platform with a five-year success story.

31 August 2018

Perceiving Arctic Change

A side event to the 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial on 24th October 2018, 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. at Hiroshimastr. 24, 10785 Berlin

24 August 2018

Advances in Polar Science cover

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit manuscripts to a special issue of the journal Advances in Polar Science (APS) on “Sea ice observations and modeling in China and Norway”.

23 August 2018

Arctic Portal news

The August report for the 2018 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) is now available online.

22 August 2018

Arctic Shipping Forum North America

Resource rich, strikingly beautiful and positioned between some of the world’s largest trading blocs, the Arctic’s economic potential is still largely untapped.

30 July 2018

Advances in Polar Science

China’s membership in the International Arctic Science Committee in 1996 marked its more active participation and wider international cooperation in scientific research in the Arctic.

9 July 2018


FINNMARK PLATEAU, Norway/OSLO — When he’s not out on the Arctic tundra with his 2,000 reindeer, his dog and Whitney Houston blasting through his headphones, Nils Mathis Sara is often busy explaining to people how a planned copper mine threatens his livelihood.

28 June 2018

Permafrost Carbon Network

1) Arctic Carbon Exchange:

1a) The first workshop to 'Reconcile historical and contemporary trends in terrestrial carbon exchange of the northern permafrost-zone' was held April 28-30, 2018, in Santa Barbara, CA.

20 June 2018

Arctic Portal news

One of the clearest manifestations of ongoing global climate change is the dramatic retreat and thinning of the Arctic sea-ice cover.

12 June 2018

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin shake hands during Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Qingdao

Of some 70 projects covered in a new agreement, the Russian Arctic shipping route is the only specifically mentioned in the press release from a Russian bank.

4 June 2018

Arctic Portal news

The EU Project ARICE opens now a call for ship-time proposals to access the icebreakers CCGS Amundsen, RV Sikuliaq and PRV Polarstern. This call will remain open until the 5th of July 2018.

4 June 2018

EU flag

In partnership with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), the EPB organises a series of webinars that aim to connect polar research and policy. The webinars are aimed at polar researchers, policymakers and other professionals at all career stages.

29 May 2018

Northern Sea Route

SPIEF 2018 discussion programme included a session of the International Arctic Forum The Arctic: Territory of Dialogue. The session titled Uncovering the Potential of the Arctic Trough the Northern Sea Route took place on 25 May.

28 May 2018

EALLU wins the grand prize! From left: Juoksa Smuk, Anders Oskal, Issat Turi, Mikhail Pogodaev, Anna Chuprina, Marta Okotetto, Ellen Sara Sparrok, Alena Gerasimova and Inger Anita Smuk

Indigenous reindeer herding youth win ‘Best in the World’ at 22ndGourmand International Cookbook Award

24 May 2018

Participants of the Polar Prediction School 2018

100s of Swedish potatoes, 10s of delicious cinnamon rolls, 29 enthusiastic students, 26 fascinating lectures, 13 excellent lecturers, 10 hands-on practicals, 7 kind sponsors, 1 brilliant training school!

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