News & Press Releases

Arctic Portal News Portlet

9 April 2019

Wilson Center

The Wilson Center´s Polar Institute has a new program series about the international and local implications of this new Arctic to an Alaskan audience who are mostly directly affected. The series The Arctic and U.S. National Security has already began or started on Monday, April 8 but will continue through Friday, April 12 on GCI Channel 907, starting at 8. pm each day.

8 April 2019

Vladimir Putin

The President of Russia, Vladiminir Putin said that“Russia is striving unfailingly to consolidate collaboration with the states of the Arctic region.

5 April 2019


According to a new type of Arctic Dinosaur (the duck-billed, crested lambeosaurine) discovered in Alaska, ”shows that a diverse array of dinos lived in the warmer but still harsh Arctic 70 milliion years ago”.

3 April 2019

Chukchi Sea Ice coverage

At his time of the year the Arctic sea ice usually reaches its greatest size freezing over the northern ocean. Recent satellite photos show that unfortunately that is not the case today compared to past years.

2 April 2019

Vladimir Putin

The Arctic: Territory of Dialogue 5th International Artic Forum will be held in St. Petersburg on April 9-10.

1 April 2019

International Arctic Forum Russia

The Russian newsagency PenzaNews has published an article with interviews with leading Arctic experts, Anton Kobyakov (adviser to the president of Russia), Nikolai Korchunov (ambassador-at-large of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Hannele Pokka (Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of the Environment of Finland), David Balton (Former Chair of Arctic Council), Alexander Kirilov (Director of Russian National Arctic Parks) and Halldór Jóhannsson (Director of Arctic Portal) on the Arctic and its developments “IAF in St. Petersburg to outline new ways of multi-vector cooperation in Arctic“.

29 March 2019

The Glacier Jakobshavn in Greenland

A recent discovery made by the scientists at NASA about Greenland´s fastest-flowing and fastest-thinning glacier actually growing thicker took the scientists by surprise. This is reported in an article written by Laura Gegget published on based on a study published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

28 March 2019

Archaeologist in Iceland

An interesting disvovery was revealed after an archaelogical excavation in the eastern part of Iceland. According to the Icelandic newsprovider RUV “ An archaeologist believes that people of Sami origin may have been among a group that sailed to Iceland before the first known settlers to take natural resources from Stöð in Stöðvafjörður.

28 March 2019

Arctic Forum 2019

A press release from the ‘Arctic: Territory of Dialogue’ 5th International Arctic Forum to be held in St. Petersburg 9-10 April states that the development of the Arctic’s transport infrastructure will be one of the main themes of the Forum.

27 March 2019

Scientific partnership between China and Russia

According to the newsprovider TASS “Russian and Chinese scientists will organize joint studies of the Arctic and Antarctic were they will explore mineral and biology resources in the global ocean“.

22 March 2019

European Commission

The European Commission issued a press release on 18 March announcing that €2 billion is to be fast forwarded to the creation of the European Innovation Council.

22 March 2019


There is no Capelin (Mallotus villosus) to be found in Icelandic waters this year after extensive search by fisherman and research by the Maritime institute, leading to no quota issued, resulting in extreme financial consequences for people and small communities in Iceland. Capelin is considered the second most ecologically and economically important fish in Icelandic waters, with the yearly catch sometimes reaching over 1 million tonnes.

21 March 2019

2019 Arctic Sea Ice Maximum Continues Trend of Decline

According to scientists at the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center and NASA “ Sea ice in the Arctic appears to have hit its annual maximum extent after growing through the fall and winter. The 2019 wintertime extent reached on March 13 ties with 2007’s as the 7th smallest extent of winter sea ice in the satellite record.“

20 March 2019

Dictionary chinese Faroese

The biggest nation in the world and one of the smallest can now learn to speak each other´s language. According to the official gateway to the Faroe Islands ( a Chinese-Faroese dictionary is now available online for free for users anywhere in the world. The dictionary can be found on the Faroese dictionary portal Sprotin.

19 March 2019

Arktika icebreaker

Press release from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia: “Comprehensive plan "Implementation of the mineral and logistical potential of the Arctic", developed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, sent to the Government of the Russian Federation.

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