News & Press Releases

Arctic Portal News Portlet

23 January 2020

NATO radar and telecommunication station in Iceland

He was stuck at work at the top of a mountain for 12 days, due to severe weather. Surely, on a good day, his office has a great view, but still...

22 January 2020

Vehicle rescue operation

The weather in Iceland is known to be really unpredictable but this winter it has been extremely unpredictable, with heavy winds and snowfalls. According to the Icelandic newsprovider Iceland Monitor travelling in the highlands of Iceland can be really treacherous because of hidden dangers on the way.

16 January 2020

NASA 2019 the 2nd hottest year heatmap

According to independent analyses by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Earth's global surface temperatures in 2019 were the second warmest since modern recordkeeping began in 1880.

15 January 2020

avalanche map of Flateyri Iceland

Three large avalanches fell in the West Fjords shortly before midnight last night - two of them in the village of Flateyri, population 200, and the third near the village of Suðureyri, population 260, reports. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured.

3 January 2020

Advances in Polar Science

The Polar Research Institute of China - PRIC, publishes the Journal of Advances in Polar Science - APS, . The primary objective of APS is to publish achievements in fundamental research, applied research and high-technology research focused or based on the polar regions, and to report the latest discoveries, inventions, theories and methodologies in polar research.

2 January 2020

CNARC board

The 8th China-Nordic Arctic Cooperation Symposium will take place in Umeå ,Sweden, on 27-29 May 2020. The conference theme is “Research Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing for a Sustainable Arctic”.

Invitation for proposals for oral presentations is now open. Deadline for abstract submission is on March 1st , 2020:

24 December 2019

ARICE webinar on data management

The Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium (ARICE, and Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS, invited for a webinar on Data Management, on 17 December. The webinar is now available for viewing on the Arice´s webpage

The aim of this webinar was to provide an overview of current statues in data management, planning and best practices as well as advances in data presentation, integration and interpretation.

Halldór Jóhannson, Executive Director or Arctic Portal, gave an overview introduction and touched on topics of policy and best practice of data management, as well as engagement with stakeholders. Topics of data presentation and the ARICE 3D Icebreaker were discussed by Anseok Joo, Programmer at Arctic Portal.
In a second part, Øystein Godøy, senior scientist and data manager at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and Stein Sandven, director of the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center and project coordinator of INTAROS (Integrated Arctic Observation System), spoke about the INTAROS data management practices with emphasis on meta data and federated search. Øystein and Stein are leading the Data Management in the EU Arctic Cluster.

12 December 2019

Yule Lads family

Unlike most other countries that only have one Santa Claus, Iceland has thirteen. They are called Jólasveinar (Yule lads or perhaps Christmas boys) and take turns visiting our children the 13 nights leading up to Christmas Eve.

11 December 2019


Iceland especially the northern part has been hit by a severe snowstorm likely the worst for at least a very long time. Red weather warnings were issued all over the country due to extremely high windspeed up to 52 meters per second with constant windspeed around 30.

10 December 2019

ARICE Webinar Data Management

The Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium (ARICE) and Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) invite for a webinar on Data Management, on 17 December 9-10:30 am GMT.

3 December 2019

Arctic Portal news

According to the newsprovider Arctic Today "A new presidential memorandum calls for better mapping of Arctic and sub-Arctic waters off Alaska to aid mineral extraction and other commercial activities in those northern waters.

2 December 2019

Arctic Portal news

In the last few months, the APECS-APPLICATE-YOPP Online Course on "Advancing Predictive Capability of Northern Hemisphere Weather and Climate” shared cutting edge knowledge about Arctic weather and climate predictions, challenges and strategies to overcome limitations in 11 webinars. Master and PhD students as well as postdocs from diverse backgrounds and countries attended our course.

24 November 2019

Tara foundation

According to a recent press release by the Tara Ocean Foundation, microplastics are ubiquitous in European rivers. For over a period of six months the research schooner Tara voyaged along the four European sea fronts and collected 2,700 samples from nine major rivers in Europe.

22 November 2019

Difference in mean ice margin position in October 2019 compared to the mean value for October 2012. Regions marked in blue have more sea ice than the reference period; those marked in red have less

According to scientists, as reported on the AWI website, the sea-ice growth in the Arctic is at a historical low. The mean sea-ice extent in the Arctic this October was only 5.44 million km2, which is more than 443,000 km2 below the previous minimum year, 2012 noted by analyses from the University of Bremen´s Institute of Environmental Physics.

14 November 2019

Arctic Floating University

Northern (Arctic) Federal University invites researchers, PhD-students, and students to take part in the marine research and education expedition in the Arctic.

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