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Arctic Portal News Portlet

29 March 2016

Arctic Economic Council

WASHINGTON, March 23, 2016 /PRNewswire/ Press Release -- The Governance Committee for the Arctic Economic Council (AEC) is pleased to announce it has approved the Arctic Economic Council's foundational documents for ratification at its annual meeting in Tromsø, Norway in April.

23 March 2016

What is Permafrost, video by AWI

What is permafrost? What happens when permafrost thaws? This animation created by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in cooperation with the agency eventfive GmbH, Bremen answers these questions.

23 March 2016

Umea University Campus

Call for Sessions - The International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) announces the 9th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS IX) to be held at the campus of Umeå University, in Umeå, Sweden, from 8-12 June 2017.

23 March 2016

Louvain-la-Neuve Science Park

Four-year PhD position in high-resolution atmosphere-ice-ocean modelling available at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve

22 March 2016

Popov Station in Bely Island

The administration of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area has started recruiting volunteers for an environmentalist expedition to Bely Island, due to begin in August 2016, Sergei Uramayev, First Deputy Director of the region's Department for International and Foreign Economic Ties, told the local media.

21 March 2016

Satellite view of Oulu, Finland

Arctic Europe is the 10th largest economical region in the world. The Arctic region can develop into Europe's largest area of investment, and is already a major driver for economic development in Europe - thanks to previous investments and efficient utilization of natural resources.

21 March 2016

NOAA Selected Climate Anomalies and Events Map

NOAA's global temperature analysis for February 2016 indicates it was the hottest February on record with biggest monthly departure ever recorded. Combined with their analyses from the previous two months, it also indicated that globe had its hottest (Northern Hemisphere) winter on record.

18 March 2016

Arctic Council is 20 years old!

At a meeting in Fairbanks, Alaska, March 15-17, the Arctic Council gathered Senior Arctic Officials (SAOs) from the eight Arctic States, and the six Permanent Participant organizations representing indigenous peoples of the Arctic, to address ongoing efforts on a range of topics of high importance for the Arctic.

17 March 2016

Oil and gas map

Proposal for next Five-Year Program continues balanced approach to leasing; proposal protects sensitive resources, and asks for public comment on additional protections.

17 March 2016

Polar Challenge flyer This week at the Arctic Science Summit Week the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation announced the launch of a new Polar Challenge to develop an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) capable of completing a 2000 km mission under the sea ice in the Arctic or Antarctic.

16 March 2016

Nuuk, Greenland

"Non-proliferation and international obligations after DK-Greenland uranium deal"

As a result of the recent uranium deal between Greenland and Denmark, the Committee on Greenland is hosting a public conference today March 16 on the production and export of uranium in Greenland.

16 March 2016

World Ocean Council

North Sea Industry Leaders Participate in Webinar on MSP Opportunities and Challenges Organized by World Ocean Council (WOK) and Scottish Association for Marine Science.

15 March 2016

IASC Website

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) has approved that the office of the committee will move from Germany to Iceland next year.

15 March 2016

View of MBS

This morning, Sputnik News reported that Russia is working to further develop partnerships with Asian countries. After China and Japan, now Russia has found a new partner in mutually beneficial copperation in the Arctic region, as Russian Special Presidential Representative for International Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic Artur Chilingarov said Tuesday. Namely, Singapore.

14 March 2016

Goliat StrilBarents

Goliat is the first oil field to go into production in the Barents Sea

Eni has started production from the Goliat field located in Production License 229, which is 85 kilometers northwest of Hammerfest in an ice-free area in the Barents Sea offshore northern Norway.

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